brew install homebrew/science/opencv
Automaticamente va actualizar el homebrew
Updating Homebrew...
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring portable-ruby-2.6.8.yosemite.bottle.tar.gz
Error: homebrew/science was deprecated. This tap is now empty and all its contents were either deleted or migrated.
Running `brew update --preinstall`...
Warning: You are using macOS 10.13.
We (and Apple) do not provide support for this old version.
You will encounter build failures with some formulae.
Please create pull requests instead of asking for help on Homebrew's GitHub,
Twitter or any other official channels. You are responsible for resolving
any issues you experience while you are running this
old version.
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Downloading
==> Downloading from
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring ca-certificates--2022-04-26.all.bottle.tar.gz
pip install opencv-contrib-python
- Si solo se necesita módulos principales se debe ejecutar pip install opencv-python.
- Si se necesitan tanto módulos principales como adicionales (contrib) se debe ejecutar pip install opencv-contrib-python.
$python3 -m pip install opencv-contrib-python
Collecting opencv-contrib-python
WARNING: Retrying (Retry(total=4, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'ReadTimeoutError("HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=15)")': /packages/1c/c0/67ce42700579df6579864760bfa89520154e7f01b1fcbe19bf0a10dfb0de/opencv-contrib-python-
WARNING: Retrying (Retry(total=3, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'ReadTimeoutError("HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=15)")': /packages/1c/c0/67ce42700579df6579864760bfa89520154e7f01b1fcbe19bf0a10dfb0de/opencv-contrib-python-
ERROR: Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /packages/1c/c0/67ce42700579df6579864760bfa89520154e7f01b1fcbe19bf0a10dfb0de/opencv-contrib-python- (Caused by ReadTimeoutError("HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=15)"))
WARNING: You are using pip version 19.2.3, however version 22.0.4 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
Collecting pip
Downloading (2.1MB)
|████████████████████████████████| 2.1MB 413kB/s
Installing collected packages: pip
Found existing installation: pip 19.2.3
Uninstalling pip-19.2.3:
Successfully uninstalled pip-19.2.3
Successfully installed pip-22.0.4
python3 -m pip install opencv-contrib-python
Collecting opencv-contrib-python
Downloading opencv-contrib-python- (150.4 MB)
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╸━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 74.8/150.4 MB 2.6 MB/s eta 0:00:29
Installing build dependencies ... -
Installing build dependencies ... done
Getting requirements to build wheel ... done
Preparing metadata (pyproject.toml) ... done
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.14.5 in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from opencv-contrib-python) (1.19.2)
Building wheels for collected packages: opencv-contrib-python
Building wheel for opencv-contrib-python (pyproject.toml) ... |
[end of output]
note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip.
ERROR: Failed building wheel for opencv-contrib-python
Failed to build opencv-contrib-python
ERROR: Could not build wheels for opencv-contrib-python, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
Va a salirte el siguiente mensaje
Successfully installed setuptools-62.1.0 wheel-0.37.1
y posteriormente volver a instalar
python3 -m pip install opencv-contrib-python
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